

22-Step Comprehensive Book Consulting Course

Welcome to my Comprehensive Book Consulting Course! This course is designed to guide you through the entire process of writing and publishing your book. Whether you're working on a novel, memoir, self-help book, or any other genre, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Course Overview:

  1. Introduction to the Writing Process

  2. Setting Clear Goals

  3. Identifying Your Target Audience

  4. Crafting a Compelling Book Outline

  5. Developing Memorable Characters (for fiction)

  6. Structuring Your Content

  7. Writing Engaging Chapters

  8. Creating Powerful Dialogue (for fiction)

  9. Editing for Clarity and Cohesion

  10. Proofreading Techniques

Intermediate Steps:

  1. Designing an Eye-Catching Book Cover

  2. Formatting Your Manuscript

  3. Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing

  4. Navigating Copyright and ISBN

  5. Building Your Author Platform

  6. Marketing and Promoting Your Book

  7. Utilizing Social Media for Book Promotion

  8. Engaging with Book Reviewers and Bloggers

  9. Book Launch Strategies

Advanced Steps:

  1. Understanding Royalties and Contracts

  2. Expanding Your Writing Career

  3. Maintaining Long-Term Success

At The Writing Counsel, we are committed to helping you bring your book to life. Enroll in our Comprehensive Book Consulting Course today and take the first step towards becoming a published author! Let's embark on this exciting journey together.The Writing Counsel offers a comprehensive book consulting course that instructs you in 22 steps on how to write and publish your own book.


I offer personalized online English and grammar tutoring services designed to help individuals enhance their writing skills from the comfort of their own space. I provide one-on-one sessions to address each student's specific needs and goals.

By enrolling as a student for tutoring services, you will experience the value of 5 essential benefits:

1. Convenient Learning: Click the link below to be redirected to a platform that allows students to schedule sessions at their convenience, eliminating the need for travel and providing flexibility to fit sessions into busy schedules.

2. Personalized Approach: I personally tailor lessons to address each student's unique strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring a targeted and effective learning experience.

3. Interactive Sessions: Through virtual whiteboards, shared documents, and instant messaging, students can actively engage with tutors, ask questions, and receive real-time feedback.

4. Comprehensive Support: Whether you need help with grammar rules, sentence structure, essay organization, or language skills, our tutors are equipped to provide comprehensive support to help you succeed.

5. Feedback and Guidance: Students receive constructive feedback on their writing, along with practical tips and resources to continue improving their English and grammar skills outside of tutoring sessions.

If you're looking to enhance your English and grammar skills in a supportive and collaborative online environment, The Writing Counsel's tutoring services are here to help you reach your writing goals. Schedule a session today and embark on your journey to becoming a more confident and proficient writer.

Commercial Copywriting & CopyEditing

Ready to craft your book for publishing? Got a new business you would like to promote? Allow me to be your professional copyeditor. I offer typesetting services for those looking to publish your book in eBook formats as well as traditional print. I can also help you best communicate your message in a way that outlines the vision of your business.

Professional Proofreading, Typesetting

Professional proofreading services ensure that your written work is free from errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting. At The Writing Counsel, I meticulously review your document to correct any mistakes and enhance its readability.

Typesetting services focus on the layout and design of your text, ensuring that it is visually appealing and well-organized. I pay attention to factors such as fonts, font sizes, line spacing, margins, and overall presentation to create a polished final product.

Whether you need a critical eye to refine your writing or a skilled hand to format your document for a professional finish, my proofreading and typesetting services at The Writing Counsel can take your work to the next level.

Additional Services

Certified by the National Notary Association. Over 1000+ notarial signings completed. Proficient in a variety of type of loans. Sale and Purchase Transactions. Refinance loans. Home Equity Lines of Credit, Reverse Mortgages, and Commercial Transactions.